Helping sprays get ‘to, on, and in’ is the secret to optimising programmes according to UPLNZ’s adjuvant product manager, David Lingan. More
A new foliar fungicide to protect barley crops from ramularia leaf spot and scald is available to farmers this season. More
Growers of both autumn and spring sown barley will be able to take advantage of a new option for minimising the risk of lodging and neck break in their crops this season. More
Recent trial work has shown that Revylution fungicide from BASF provides superior and more robust control of speckled leaf blotch (SLB or Septoria tritici blotch) and leaf rust in wheat than the previous industry standards. More
Pre-emergence herbicide application for wild oats in wheat and barley has two key advantages. More
Launch of a second plant growth regulator for cereals this spring complements Nufarm’s existing Stabilan 750SL, and further builds on its strong suite of arable products, the company says. More
Glyphosate (MOA Group 9) resistance may not have shown its face in five years of regional arable herbicide surveys recently concluded by AgResearch and FAR, but that doesn’t mean your fencelines are safe. More
Generation Soft Bait wasn’t just tested on lab rats. (That would’ve been easy.) More
A lighter touch (ALT) is being credited with connecting the dots between the crop protection and crop production industries and government to partner in a project to test the regulatory pathway for novel biopesticides in New Zealand. More
Both Federated Farmers and Animal and Plant Health New Zealand (APHANZ) have welcomed the government’s intent to cut red tape and delays in the approval process for new products being introduced to the market. More